In-house agriculture: a shining example of a circular economy

In-house agriculture plays an important role in Lipizzaner breeding and rearing, alongside the comprehensive loving care provided by our employees. We cultivate around 215 hectares of mowed and grazing areas, as well as around 140 hectares of alpine pastures, in addition to around 120 hectares of forest area.
To ensure the excellent quality of our horses’ basic feed, we use the latest technology, including a hay drying system, which was installed in 2021. This is heated with wood chips from our own forest. The production volume is currently around 750 tonnes/4,000 bales of hay per year. The medium-term goal is to supply all the Spanish Riding School locations with hay produced at Piber. The 5–7 tons of horse manure produced annually are used to fertilise the green spaces. Horse manure from the stables is also used to fertilise the roses in Vienna’s federal gardens. Piber’s agriculture is therefore a great example of a successful circular economy.