
Lipizzaner Illustration

The three Reception Rooms of the Spanish Riding School are the perfect location for exclusive receptions and different kind of events. All rooms offer an impressive view of the Michaelerplatz, one of the most beautiful squares of Vienna’s inner district.

Our rooms are located in the Hofburg Palace. This part of the Hofburg Palace was built in the 19th century, based on original Baroque plans of the great court architect Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach. Each room is decorated according to a different theme: the first room, the Salon of the Emperor’s Horses, holds Baroque oil paintings by Georg von Hamilton of the Lipizzaners as well the as Steps and Movements of the High School of Classical Horsemanship. In the second room, the Salon of the Imperial Studs, you will find illustrations of the Court studs and the third room, the Salon of the Winter Riding School, will draw your attention to a large scale painting of the imperial festivities and equestrian ballets in the Winter Riding School by Ignace Duvivier.

The unique atmosphere of our location will contribute to your event’s success. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are looking forward to helping you plan the perfect event! We will make sure that you and your guests will enjoy every moment.

Capacity: Up to 110 PAX
Size: Up to 130 m2
Occasion: Firmenveranstaltungen Empfänge Seminare Jubiläen Hochzeiten Cocktails Galadinners Weihnachtsfeiern private Feiern
Equipment: Catering Kitchen Standing Tables Seminar/Banquet Tables Gala Tables goldene Stühle mit cremefarbigen Pölstern Flipchart Bulletin Board Garderobenständer Sound/Music System with Speakers in All Three Salons Handheld Microphone LED TV 46-inch / Blu-ray Player Projector with Screen Interactive Whiteboard
Download: SRS Factsheet Salons Gruppen Factsheet VIP Individualgaeste


Michaelerplatz 1, 1010 Wien

Contact Person

Karin Grosz

Karin Groß

Head of Event

+43 664 822 4803

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